Tag Archives: bulb

Love Light

Absolute Regime II by Quarion on deviantART
Absolute Regime II by Quarion on deviantART

We were and idea…
blazing light, left at night
to burn in solitude
and silence.
Filament of sentiment,
seething and caged.
Greeting the morning sun
for days,
and still we burned.
Fighting a fading memory
in a globe too fragile…
a base to small
and still we try once more.
Attempting to hold fate
in failing hands
too cold for our warm hearts
and we fall…
embers or shards…
depending on the mindset.
We are too late.
Gases of destiny escape
and we cannot go back.
Life happens at the speed of light…
each moment a fight
to live,
to love,
and we must be careful.
Lest we lie broken…
an old idea,
dead light in cold night…
alone in solitude
and silence.
Filament of sentiment…
Waiting to cut or burn
someone else
depending on the mindset…


Posted for Castle of Glass and Late.  Please come see some other awesome poets!