Lone Journey

Inspiration Lane on Tumblr.com

We travel this world in constant search of ourselves.

Overturning leaves of personality mimicked from ancestry and childhood tales.

We seek the absolute.  Distinct and separate from others’ “learned” truths.

But there are no absolutes.

If there were, would there be individuality?  Or just supremacy?

But supremacy is just another word for hate and there is no absolute in Fate.

So we continue our journey.  A path with hidden twists, dead ends, and maddening heights and lows.

Trees speak of religion, wind whispers of sexuality, and I swear the animals each have a personality of their own.

Sometimes accompanied by family, but always alone.  New-found answers replace old ones on the shelf.

I still travel this world in constant search of myself.


© Day Dreamer

You can also find this post over at Open Link Night ~ 65 along with some other great poets!

20 thoughts on “Lone Journey”

  1. I think you are too bright and intelligent to travel the world in search of yourself Daydreamer. For experiences, yes. You are yourself 😀 Ralph x


    1. Thank you Ralph! Though, I believe we are constantly changing. I am currently re-evaluating my spiritual beliefs and ‘truths’ that I was taught when I was young. It has been quite the journey!


      1. I have been on that journey through New Age, religion, all sorts of weird and wonderful treasures to be picked up and discarded on the Path of Life. I am at the peace within stage. Have fun on your journey. Ralph x


  2. I’m sort of with Ralph on this one. No need to seek, what you’re looking for is in YOU. Still, this is a thought-provoking write.


  3. ah trees do speak of religeon…that i believe…supremacy is just another word for hate and there is no absolute in Fate…really like that line as well….funny i wrote a poem on truths…have not posted it yet though…


    1. I agree Audrey that it may not always be a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it is exactly what we need!


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